Worshipful Master
Robert Dean
2023 - 2024


Brethren, and visitors to our web site:

Welcome to the David T. Campbell (DTC) Masonic Lodge No. 706 A.F. & A.M. website. I hope this message finds you all well and that the Brethren of DTC are excited for the beginning of a new Masonic fiscal year. It was wonderful to see so many Brethren reconvene after the summer break to take part in, and/or witness the installation/investiture of our new team of Lodge Officers for the upcoming year. I am proud to be leading this team and looking forward to yet another successful year founded on the principles of brotherly love, charity and truth. We have a number of fine candidates lined up and awaiting their initiation ceremony. We also have several Brethren waiting to be passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft and expect some raising ceremonies to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason in the New Year.

For those visiting this website, here is some useful information:

Our traditions date back to the Middle Ages when men known as operative masons were responsible for building the cathedrals, abbeys and castles. With the decline of cathedral building in the 17th Century, many guilds of stonemasons started to accept notable men of outstanding character and possessing high ideals into the craft. These new members were referred to as “Speculative” or “Accepted” masons, which is where Freemasonry had its beginning.

Freemasonry is not in itself a religion, but more a fraternity. As the oldest and largest worldwide fraternity, Freemasonry provides an opportunity for men to work on self-improvement, to meet, and to enjoy friendly companionship.  Its ritual dramatizes a philosophy of life based on morality, the principles of brotherly love, helpfulness, charity, truth and goodwill to all.

One of Freemasonry’s customs is not to solicit members, however for those visitors to the website interested in Freemasonry, and seeking further information about the Craft, please feel free to use the link and contact myself or Brother Secretary directly.

For the Brethren of DTC, I look forward to seeing you in Lodge…and like the early stonemasons, who would gather to apprentice, grow and watch others grow, I encourage all of you to continue your Masonic journey by attending education sessions, studying ritual and travelling to other Lodges with me within or outside the District.

May the G.A.O.T.U. watch over you and your loved ones.

Sincerely & Fraternally,

W. Bro. Robert Dean

Freemasonry is many things to many men. Rightly so. It is one of the few organizations that still believes in freedom for the individual, including freedom of thought. Its adherents are free to interpret its symbolism and other facets as their minds, hearts, and consciences may dictate.

It is an organization of men based on the Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man, using builder's tools as symbols to teach basic moral Truths, thereby impressing upon the minds of its members the cardinal virtues of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth which they should apply to everyday activities.

Freemasonry is kindness in the home, honesty in business, courtesy in society, fairness in work, pity and concern for the unfortunate, resistance toward the wicked, help for the weak, trust in the strong, forgiveness for the penitent, love for one another and, above all, reverence and love for God. Freemasonry is many things, but most of all: FREEMASONRY IS A WAY OF LIFE.

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Copyright © 2005-2024 David T. Campbell Lodge No. 706, G.R.C.
Last updated on Tuesday, January 23, 2024